FJC, 1234yf, 696SL, 8 oz. R-1234yf Refrigerant with LEAK STOP

FJC, 1234yf, 696SL, 8 oz. R-1234yf Refrigerant with LEAK STOP

Regular price $59.95 Sale

WEITRON Refrigerants

FJC Part# 696SL
R1234yf, 696SL, 8 oz. R-1234yf Refrigerant with STOP Leak System Sealer
*Advanced Formula Seals Leaks in:
Hose Connection
O-rings & Gaskets

Honeywell Refrigerants
R-1234yf With Leak Seal
Solice yf Refrigerant
Self-Sealing Can

This can requires a special R1234yf "LEFT-HAND" 1/2" ACME Can Taper.